Anna Koshmal
Anna Koshmal was conceived in Kyiv (Ukraine) on the 22nd 1994. She is currently 27 years old. There is no information about her siblings or parents are available online. Anna also has Ukrainian heritage and is a Christian. Anna Koshmal has a net worth of $2.5 million. The money she earns comes from various television and film projects. Anna claims that she is a model for a variety of magazines. Anna Koshmal has dreamt of being an artist ever since when she was 6. While she was unsure of what direction to go down, her dreams were clear. Anna took numerous art lessons during her early years. Anna was also a vocal instructor along with contemporary dance classes. She is an accomplished painter. Her skills in painting are often discussed in interviews. In two months' time she was compelled to attend a drama class at Republic Kids by her parents. This meant that she gained more knowledge about theatre and the drama field in general when she completed her studies in theatre drama. When she completed her studies in theater drama and continued her studies in the pop voice with L. I. Utyosov. At the end of the day, a movie cast team picked her to be the lead in their movie following her graduation. Watch the unfolding story in the video below. Anna Koshmal was approached by Kvartal 95 Studio when she reached the age of 17. While she was studying at Republic Kids she was approached. A studio agent was aware of her potential as a great actor. The casting agent came to her, but she didn't know what character was being sought for auditions. The only thing she did was sing a few songs, and sing a couple of vocals to those casting representatives. Her agency approved her almost quickly. Her first acting gig was on Match Makers a television comedy series.

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